Create a news page

Hello and welcome to the Single Digital Presence Content Management System. In this video I’m going to show you how to create a news story within the content management system, using the news template.  

Once you’re in the dashboard view, you can select Content, Add content, then News.  

Here you’ll be able to do similar to what you can do on a landing page, where you’ve got the content title/page title, summary that pulls through to Google and summary text which can be the same as your Summary text. 

You’ve got a feature image that you can add to your news story, that will sit underneath the page introduction and summary. That should be resized to 496 pixels high by 818 pixels wide.  

Here you’ll be able to add the date of your story and the time it was launched. 

Then you’ve got the standard body content field. Similar to the landing page, you’ve got all of the elements here. Heading styles, your linking tool, you’ve also got a primary button and block quote if you need to add any quotes from any speakers. You can also insert imagery, documents and a video.  

In terms of the Sidebar, you can also add in related links or a contact block for more information. By default, the social sharing will be turned on. Topic, depending on the news type, it will be given a topic to help the news story to appear in an automated listing. This new item belongs to the family violence reform branch, so they’ve used the topic Health. I’ll also need to fill in some side elements. The department that it belongs to, Department of Health. I’ll also need to tag the site section that this belongs to, Family violence reform, It’s on the site, under family violence reform and the front-end design as Now that this story is published and live it will feed through to the news listing in the family violence reform section of the website.  
