Training video: create a digital publication

Hello and welcome to the Single Digital Presence Content Management System. In this video I’m going to show how to use the publication template. The publication template will allow you to create an online publication like the one you see here. It has a holding page for the publication, and then it will automatically insert some chapters on the right-hand side in the menu, as you build out the publication.  

To do that hover over Content, Add content and select Publication. The first thing you’ll need to do is actually create a holding page for your publication, then you’ll be able to add the chapters. This is the title of your publication, and the SEO summary. This will be used in search engines, so ensure that it uses key words. Then the introduction text that will appear on the publication landing page. You can have a featured image as well. If this publication is featured on another page it will pull through an image. There’s also a spot for licence type, whether it’s copyright and can’t be reproduced or it’s created commons and it can be reused in other people’s work. The date and the publication author as well.  

Page content, this section here is simple. You’ll get an accordion, complex image and basic text component that you can add to your body. However, when we make the chapters you’ll see that there’s a lot more options. For now I’ll just put in a basic text component. Add some text.  

The Sidebar, this section will allow you to upload documents, turn on or turn off a publication navigation, which is turned on by default. Add related links and a contact block. Topic, I’ll make this tag Health. The final steps are now on the right-hand side here. You’ll need to tag it to a department, let’s pretend Education and training. You’ll also need to tag the publication to belong to a site. Let’s say this is, site section Three-Year-Old Kinder and a site. We save that. 

Now that we’ve saved the holding page, you’ll now see the Children tab. This is basically where you add your chapters. To add your chapter, select Create new Publication page or chapter. Here we can pop in introduction, SEO summary, introduction and as I said earlier, in the body content component section you’ll be able to add a lot more components here. There’s basic text, accordion, promotion card and navigation card, and so on. Each with a description as to what those do. 

You can also customise your header. You can customise your header on your landing page and on your chapter pages. Default appearance will mean that it’s just the page title and summary. But if you select Full-width background image you’ll be able to upload a hero image on your landing page and chapter pages. The image must be 1600 pixels wide by 600 pixels high. That will allow you to put in an image like this.  
