Login to the Drupal Content Management System

Hello and welcome to the Single Digital Presence Drupal content management system.

Today I'm gong to show you how to login and use the Drupal dashboard.

The CMS works best in a Chrome browser and you'll need to visit the url content.vic.gov.au

The format of your username and password is usually your first name dot surname or it could also be your email address. Add your password and select login.

This is the first screen that you'll see when you login to the content management system. By default you can see content pages you've created or edited. 

In the Search content field you can search for a page by keyword or content title. The content type that it was created in, or by a site or a site section that is part of this content management system.

For example, if we want to get really specific. I know that I have a number of pages in the content management system with The Orange Door in the title, I have some landing pages set up with this in the title. This particular page would probably be tagged to the family violence reform site section. 

If you fill out all of those fields you can narrow it down and click search. 

You'll then be able to see all of the pages with The Orange Door in the title, in the family violence reform site section and the landing page content type. 

I can then select edit to edit a page.
