Add a document to your page

Hello and welcome to the Single Digital Presence Content Management System. In this video I’m going to show how to upload a document to a page. I have the title of my page ready here. I’ll pop that into the search content field and search. This is the page I need to edit, select edit and scroll down. Under the basic text block. I know in my body copy I have a placeholder for an application form. I’ll remove that text and upload the application form here. I’ll put my cursor under the heading, scroll up and select the Media icon. What you can do here again is search for a document that you’ve previously uploaded and insert that document, alternatively you can add in the document if it’s a new one to the CMS. Select Add document, choose file. Here you’ll be able to go to your browser and search for your file. It will upload your document, then pop in a name. This name is actually seen by front end and back end users. Everyone sees this title. 

I should also mention that it’s best to upload your document using dashes in between each of the words. That way when the document opens in a browser it opens nice a neat and without %20 in between the words and has the dashes instead. I saved my Word document with dashes in between each of the words. This is my document title here. You’ll then need to select licence type. Whether it’s copyright and anyone can reproduce it, or creative commons and it can be distributed and used by other people. We’re going to make this creative commons and scroll down to the site and select Aboriginal Heritage Council as the site that this document belongs to. Save the document and embed. There’s my document. It’ll pop in the page title, document type (whether it’s Word, PDF, Excel) and the size of that particular document. 

Now I need to scroll down and hit save. Now that I’m pretty happy with my page, I’d like to take a look at a front-end draft preview. You’ll just need to select this link here which will give you a front-end preview of the page. At this point you can either, if you have access, select publish, or submit it to the publishing queue by selecting Needs Review, then Apply. 
