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Tessa's story: how she began working for Latrobe Community Health Service

Tessa Jenkins tells us about her experiences working with the NDIS.

"I believe that the NDIS helps people like me have a lot more independence"

Tessa Jenkins knows first-hand how the NDIS will start to change lives in Inner Gippsland. She works for local area coordinator Latrobe Community Health Service (LCHS), linking people to the NDIS and making appointments with NDIA planners.

It’s a job she loves, especially after looking for work for around 3 years.

Tessa says it’s generally quite hard to find employment in the area, but also having a disability makes it even more difficult. She has cerebral palsy meaning she has issues with her mobility, and is also unable to drive.

Tessa finished school in 2014, and since then had volunteered with St Vincent de Paul and Girl Guides, and completed a Certificate IV in Community Services.

In April, Tessa attended an NDIS information session, and afterwards approached LCHS for work. Following this, Tessa completed a Job Shadow Day at LCHS through disability employment service provider Work Solutions Gippsland, and was successful getting a job when a new position was created – all thanks to the NDIS coming to the region.

Tessa is also eligible for the NDIS and has registered for the scheme. While she hasn’t had her planning discussion yet, she looking forward to the opportunities it will bring.
